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В данной теме выложен исходный стихотворный материал книги The Sable Quean.
Непременно хотелось бы, чтобы прослушивание песен возбудило сильный интерес всех желающих помочь в переводе "Соболиной Королевы".
Предлагаю пройти несколько шагов от Меломании до Поэзии, чтобы миновать некоторые сложности стихосложения и достичь творческих результатов, быть может для кого-то это окажется бархатным путём.

Тем, у кого получилось сложить заветные куплеты на родном языке, просьба опубликовать свои результаты в этой теме.

1. Полный сборник песен и стихов из аудиокниги "The Sable Quean"
2. Тексты песен и стихов "The Sable Quean" -> doc, docx



The Ballad of Colonel Meliton Gubthorpe Digglethwaite

One day when our hearts were young,
we went roving with right good will,
side by side two comrades
to find what lay o’er the hill.
Our spirits never wearied then,
in those high old times gone by.
What friends we made, what perils we faced,
together you and I.

Now eyes grow dim, and paws feel stiff,
even vittles don’t taste the same.
You wake one day, with your whiskers grey,
what price then, medals an’ fame?
Alas, all we have are memories,
to take out, dust off, and share.
But, oh, my friend, the pride we feel,
just to know that we were there!

We travelled an’ fought an’ feasted,
we triumphed, we marched and songs were sung,
we faced death, saw life and adventure!
One day when our hearts were young.

Глава 3
Whoopiddy doop

“When you an’ me go out to tea,
oh, dear me, fiddle deedee,
we’ll be the ones who scoff the scones,
an’ slurp the soup with a whoopiddy doop.
We’ll nibble the pies, surprise surprise,
sing pudden an’ plum, rumbledy dum,
pastie an’ pie, oh my, oh my.
We’ll swig the cider an’ chomp the cheese,
oh, give us more, you’ll hear us roar,
such merry beasts are we, you see,
when we go out to tea!”

The Grace of Abbess

“All hail to wind, to sun and rain,
for offerings such as these,
and thanks to those who harvest them,
from soil, from bush, and trees.
We praise the skills of those good cooks,
commanded by our Friar,
who labour long in kitchen,
and toil by oven fire.
My final thanks to one and all,
who dwell in peace here at Redwall!”

The Song of Soogum

“Pray hearken to this humble beast,
no warrior am I.
I crave no spear or sword to wield,
no arrow to let fly.
No foebeast have I ever slain,
my friend, I’ll tell you why,
because I’m but a simple cook,
come try my apple pie!

“Let fighters from the battle rest,
victorious but sore,
they throng into my dining hall,
and what do they ask for?
More enemies to charge against,
no no, when war is through,
they’d trade their vict’ry medals,
for a bowl of my hot stew!

So look you on this humble beast,
and, pray, regard me well.
My paw has never swung a blade,
foul vermin for to fell.
My kitchen is no battlefield,
I’ll shout no loud war cry.
Because I’m but a simple cook,
come try my apple pie!”

Глава 4
Diggs and Buck

“They call me Diggs... an’ my name’s Buck,
If you draw a blade on us you’re out o’ luck!
I’m an expert with a sword!
I’m a champion with a spoon!
We’ll fight or feast with anybeast
come mornin’, night or noon.
So left right left right,
Wot ho, me pretty one!
Is your ma a good ole cook,
an’ where do you come from?
Let’s walk you home... don’t go alone,
you charmin’ little duck.
Then introduce your ma to us,
our names are Diggs an’ Buck!
So left right left right,
are we nearly there?
Salute the Colonel’s daughter,
parade around the square.
We’re jolly brave an’ handsome,
at war or scoffin’ tuck,
we’re perilously perfect ’cos...
they call us Diggs an’ Buck!”

Глава 5
The Midda's lullaby for Borti

“Borti, Borti, my liddle Borti,
don’t you weep an’ don’t be naughty.
If you promise to be good,
we will play in Mossflow’r Wood.
Sleep now, sleep now, close those eyes.
Midda’s got a nice surprise.
When you waken up again,
I’ll make you a daisy chain,
a daisy chain and y’know ’tis true,
my liddle Borti, I love you.”

Глава 7
The Performing Witherspyk Company

“Hear ye, hear ye, one and all!
All goodbeasts now, hark to me,
see here upon this very spot,
the Performing Witherspyk Company!
What’ll you see here when we start?
Why, tales to delight the rustic heart,
plays enacted on nature’s stage,
dramas of avarice, war and rage.
Stories of love to make you sigh,
tragedies bringing a tear to the eye.
Mayhaps a comedy we’ll make,
You’ll feel your ribs with laughter ache.
Yet what seek we as our reward?
Merely to share your supper board.
A drop to drink, a crust, perchance.
We act, we sing, recite or dance.
Aye, food would aid our noble cause,
though mainly we feed upon applause.
You’ll not regret a visit to see,
The Performing Witherspyk

I hail from Salamandastron

“Oh, I hail from Salamandastron,
that old mountain in the west,
with a pack upon me shoulder,
an’ a smartly buttoned vest.
My ears stand to attention,
an’ gels cry out, Look there,
he’s a member of the Long Patrol,
a handsome gallant hare!

“What ho what ho, ’tis true y’know,
no creature can compare,
to a dashin’ singin’ harum-scarum,
Salamandastron hare... wot wot!

“I’ll whack a score o’ weasels,
or marmalise a stoat,
there’s many a ferret shiverin’,
when I’ve torn off his coat.
I’m vicious with all vermin,
but show to me a maid,
I’ll kiss her paw an’ shout haw haw!
Pray, marm, don’t be afraid.

“What ho what ho, I tell ye so,
ye gentle gels so fair,
I’m a high-fulorum cockle-a-dorum,
Salamandastron hare... wot wot!”

On aboard the Scruffy Dog

“ ’Twas a snowy morn one summer,
an’ the moon was shining bright,
when my dear ma kissed me a fond good-bye.
So I asked where I was going,
as she shoved me out the door.
She blew her snout and then began to cry.

‘Oh, don’t run off to sea, my son,
you’ll break your mother ’s heart.
I’ve reared you since you were an ugly pup!’
But I didn’t want to go,
and I tried to tell her so,
but she locked the door and nailed the windows up.
Off I went to sail the main,
as cabin hog aboard the Scruffy Dog.

The Skipper wore no vest,
and tattooed upon his chest,
was a picture of a flea lost in the fog.
Well, it turned out that old Captain,
was a hog named Gusty Snout,
my long-lost daddy that I’d never seen.

So me and that old tar,
sailed right backhome to Ma,
who saw us coming and let out a scream.
She cried, ‘Alas alack,
are you two villains back?’
And beat us soundly with a knotty log.
And as she wouldn’t stop it,
well, we both had to hoppit,
now we’re back aboard the good old Scruffy Dog!”

Глава 8

“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum
Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!

“I’ll be sailin’ all me days,
along these good ole waterways,
there’s nothin’ like a gentle breeze,
an’ bein’ alive on days like these.

“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,
Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!

“Through woodland thick our logboats ply,
that’s how I loves to see the sky,
a-driftin’ by in sun an’ shade,
round willowy bank an’ leafy glade.

“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,
Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!

“Now, I could never understand,
why somebeasts spend a life on land,
an’ never hearken to the call,
of rapids wild or waterfall.
“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,
Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!

“An’ when my stream of life runs out,
don’t weep for me or mope about,
just lay me in some ole logboat,
an’ to the sea of dreams I’ll float.

“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,
Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!”



Глава 11
The joyous scenes for my heart

“When gentle dawn bedecks the land,
through woodlands green I roam,
where friendly trees stirred by the breeze,
shed deep their leafy loam.
Small birds sing sweetly to the sky,
‘Pray turn dark night to day.’
By copse and hill, o’er brook and rill,
I wend my happy way.

“For there ’mid joyous scenes like these,
a heart finds rest and ease.

“Where moss and fern and forest flow’rs,
of every rainbow hue,
play host to bee and butterfly,
all bathed in early dew.
Whilst hawthorn, oak and sycamore
in every quiet glade
do please the eye of passersby,
with dappling sun and shade.

“For there ’mid joyous scenes like these,
my heart finds rest and ease.”


Welcome to Redwall

“All hail upon this summer morn,
thrice welcome to ye all,
who visit us in friendship here,
good comrades of Redwall!”

Глава 16
About Grandma

“A Guosim maid sat by the fire,
a-reading a letter one day,
with a flea in her ear, and a tear in her eye,
at what the sad note had to say, ay aaaaay!

Yore granny is deeply drownded,
inna river so wild an’ rough, rough-rough-rough!
She should ’ave sailed off in a logboat,
but instead she left home in a huff, huff-huff-huff.
She might have gone off in a temper,
but she’d lost that long ago, long-long-agooooo!
If she’d left in a rush or an ’urry,
we’d have all been sure to know.

So I leave you with this lesson,
if you must leave home, my dear,
’twill break my heart if you take the cart,
an’ the wheels will fall off, I fear.”

The Logboat of Dreams

“When the warm sun sinks gently from out of the sky,
hear the tired old breeze sigh a yawn,
and the bees cease a-humming, now dark night is coming,
to blanket the earth until dawn.

“Then the logboat of dreams drifts away o’er the streams,
as we sail on it, baby and me, past meadow and vale,
without paddle orsail, we both slumber on down to the sea.
“Where birds circle silently, winging on high,
deep waters run silent and calm,
’neath the soft gentle bloom of a honeydew moon,
with no wind or wave to cause harm.

“Then the logboat of dreams will grant wishes it seems,
all a little one’s heart could require
’til rainbow-hued dawn turns to fresh summer morn,
and a world full of hope and desire.”

Глава 17
The Beautiful Watermeadow Ballad

“Hear that hum in the lazy noontide,
that’s a bee who’ll rest a day or so,
all around the summer watermeadow,
creatures come and go.

Damselflies on gossamer wings,
water beetles, funny little things,
caddis, stone and mayfly, too,
skim and hover all round you.

Let your paw trail in the greeny water.
Paddle in the shallows, wade around,
where the bleak and tiny minnows quiver,
chub rise up with ne’er a sound.

Mid the bulrush and the reed,
sundew cleavers and brookweed,
toothwort, comfrey, watercress,
waterlilies calmly rest.

Watermeadow, rainbow-flow’red,
spreading far and wide,
shimmering ’neath golden sun,
’til shadesof eventide.”

Глава 20
Yah boo hoo

“Yah boo, I don’t like you,
an’ I can cry all day,
if I don’t get just what I want,
then you will hear me say,

‘I... wanna drinka water, ain’t goin’ asleep,
waah waah boo hoo hoo!
If you ain’t extra nice to me,
I won’t breathe ’til I turn blue!

I’ll stick me tongue out, curl me tail,
an’ tweak the bab’s snout,
kick Granma, annoy Granpa,
an’ scream an’ yell an’ shout.

Yah yah boo hoo hoo,
see I can cry real tears,
an’ make me eyes go funny red,
an’ wiggle both my ears.

Now do’s I say, or I’ll whinge all day,
waah waah sob boohoo!
Yah yah yah! Waah waah waah!
An’ I still don’t like you... so there!”

Глава 22
I will walk with you

“One two, one two, I will walk with you,
put your paw down on the floor,
now you’ve taken one step more.
One two, one two, keep on goin’, me an’you.
Oh my, dearie me, what comes after one two? Three!
Three four, three four! We can walk a whole lot more!”

Глава 26
Let the wild winds blow

“A-sailin’ off on the watermeadows
fills us coves with glee,
think of all those hot baked scones,
an’ dainty things to scoff at tea!

“Yo hoho let the wild winds blow,
as we roar hungrily,
Belay, cast off, set a course to scoff,
for my little mates an’ me.

“A pasty’ll do an’ a tart or two,
served by a maiden fair,
but long as the tuck keeps comin’ fast,
by golly, we don’t care!

“Yo hoho let the wild winds blow,
an’ fish swim in our wake,
Ahoy, set sail for nutbrown ale,
an’ a chunk of ole fruitcake!”

Глава 27
Haul up!

“Haul up! Haul up!
Haul up, d’ye hear me call,
the strong of heart must play their part,
for the sake of ole Redwall... haul up!
“Dig up that earth for all yore worth,
fill all those pails again,
an’ just let me catch one of ye,
complainin’ of a pain!

“Haul up! Haul up!
Haul up, d’ye hear me call,
the strong of heart must play their part,
for the sake of ole Redwall... haul up!

“Come on now, mateys, bend those backs,
there’s loads o’ work to do,
if you don’t toil an’ tote that soil,
you’ll let down all this crew!
“Haul up! Haul up!
Haul up, d’ye hear me call,
the strong of heart must play their part,
for the sake of ole Redwall... haul up!

“So haul ’em up an’ lower ’em down,
no time to moan or weep,
’til every mother ’s whelp o’ ye,
can roar out in yore sleep... haul up!”

Глава 28
My paws never felt so free and light

“Oh, whoopsy doo, one two three,
happy jolly beasts are we,
clap your paws, three four five,
what a day to be alive!

“The sun never shone so warm and bright,
my paws never felt so free and light,
good news never was so comforting,
whirl around, my friend, let’s sing.

“Oh, deedle doo, and doodle die,
no more tears from you or I,
kick those paws up in the air,
joy and bliss be everywhere!

“Our hearts are filled with joy and cheer,
goodbye to anguish, grief and fear,
whirl me round now, tralalaa,
raise your voice and shout hurrah!”

Глава 30
Sleep now, my love

“Sleep now, my love, rest quietly in peace,
the cost of thy blood now is paid,
for I with mine own paw, fulfilled the warriors’ law,
exacting vengeance with this shining blade.

Thy son and daughter, too, who’ll grow not knowing you,
I’ll tell them that you dwell by tranquil streams,
amidst the silent trees, mid fields of memories,
mayhaps sometimes you’ll visit them in dreams.

Sleep now, sleep now, my love, sleep on,
for time will dry all tears and ease the pain,
now justice has been done, sleep on, my love, sleep on,
until the day when we shall meet again.”

We won!

“We won we won we won we won....
A victory’s like the finest of wine,
I can say this without conceit.
We left our enemies to dine
on the bitterness of defeat.
The bitterness of defeat!

“So hey sing ho as we merrily go,
no warriors happy as we,
for every beast will share a feast,
of the fruits of victory!

“We won we won we won we won....
Oh, see the foe as away they go,
all battered an’ beaten full sore,
we wave our swords an’ shout hoho!
They’ll never come back for more.
No, they’ll never come back for more!

“Let’s cheer out near an’ far hoorah,
brave comrades, rally to me.
Not a moment to waste, come on an’ taste
the fruits of victoreeeeeee!”

Глава 31
The Grace about the Victory

“We meet in happiness this day,
to celebrate our victory,
not to boast of fighting ways,
but just the joy of living free.
Oh, may that feeling never cease,
for you, my true and honest friends,
enjoy this feast, in love and peace,
and hope our freedom never ends!”

The Long Patrol Marching Song

“Y’place yore left footpaw
in front o’ yore right footpaw,
then y’do it over ’n over’n over again!
Remember, left right, left right,
chin up high an’ eyes bright,
don’t fret about the sun, the wind or rain.
Keep those ranks good an’ straight,
don’t tread on yore matey’s paws,
or he might just turn around,
kick yore tail an’ tread on yores!
So place yore left footpaw,
in front o’ yore right footpaw,
then do it over’n over’n over again!
Remember, left right, left right,
never argue, never fight,
keep goin’ ’til you think you’ve gone insane!”

Please stay away from me!

“She’s the sergeant major’s daughter,
Miss Floosabia Grugsby Lee,
And anybeast who woos her gets
a medal for bravery.
Her nose is blue, her eyes are red,
she’s got a laugh that’d wake the dead,
an’ I’m the one she’s chose to wed.
Floosabia Grugsby Lee, please stay away from me!
Go to your left two three,
now to the right two three,
’tis forward on the double,
an’ get me out of trouble,
so I can run away to sea. Far far away from...
... Floosabia Grugsby Lee!”




Edited by TakiRuSiS
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Стих со стр. 27 (3 глава), это песня Сугама.

Я попробую в темке перевести, но здесь я не ас, так что другие варианты только будут приветствоваться.


Pray hearken to this humble beast,

no warrior am I.

I crave no spear or sword to wield,

no arrow to let fly.

No foebeast have I ever slain,

my friend, I'll tell you why,

because I'm but a simple cook,

come try my apple pie!


Let fighters from the battle rest,

victorious but sore,

they throng into my dining hall,

and what do they ask for?

More enemies to charge against,

no no, when war is through,

they'd trade their vict'ry medals,

for a bowl of my hot stew!

So look you on this humble beast,

and, pray, regard me well.

My paw has never swung a blade,

foul vermin for to fell.

My kitchen is no battlefield,

I'll shout no loud war cry.

Because I'm but a simple cook,

come try my apple pie!

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  • 3 months later...


попытался перевести и обработать, но некоторые строки остались вне моего понимания:


" More enemies to charge against,

no no, when war is through, "

- никак не пойму смысл

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Думаю, для подкрепления возможностей перевода не помешает добавить звуковую дорожку в паре с текстом стиха. Вот эта дорожка к Apple pie >> http://prostopleer.com/tracks/5531773Mand

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  • 4 months later...

Гленнерпопытался перевести и обработать, но некоторые строки остались вне моего понимания:" More enemies to charge against,no no, when war is through, "- никак не пойму смысл

Попробую тебе помочь.
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Та строфа переводиться так

...Больше врагов атакуют опять

Нет,нет,когда война ето через.

Скорее всего,здесь имееться ввиду так

..."больше врагов атакуют опять,нет нет,когда ето из-за войны".В стихе говориться про пирог и наверное имееться ввиду,что из-за войны пирогов берут все менше

Зарифмовать можно так:

"Опять атакует все больше врагов

Нет нет,если ето из-за войны

Edited by Куничка
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  • 5 months later...


Вот как она звучит >>><<<.



“ ’Twas a snowy morn one summer,

an’ the moon was shining bright,

when my dear ma kissed me a fond goodbye.

So I asked where I was going,

as she shoved me out the door.

She blew her snout and then began to cry.

‘Oh, don’t run off to sea, my son,

you’ll break your mother ’s heart.

I’ve reared you since you were an ugly pup!’

But I didn’t want to go,

and I tried to tel her so,

but she locked the door and nailed the windows up.

Off I went to sail the main,

as cabin hog aboard the Scruffy Dog.

The Skipper wore no vest, and tattooed upon his chest,

was a picture of a flea lost in the fog.

Well, it turned out that old Captain, was a hog named Gusty Snout,

my long-lost daddy that I’d never seen.

So me and that old tar, sailed right back home to Ma,

who saw us coming and let out a scream.

She cried, ‘Alas alack, are you two vil ains back?’

And beat us soundly with a knotty log.

And as she wouldn’t stop it, wel , we both had to hoppit,

now we’re back aboard the good old Scruffy Dog!”


Edited by TakiRuSiS
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  • 2 weeks later...

Тем снежным летним утром,

Когда луна сверкала,

Простилася со мной родная мать.

Спросил «Куда идти мне?»,

Так вышибла за дверь,

Сморкнулась шумно и давай рыдать:


«Ох, в море не ходи ты!

Мамулю пожалей!

Растила я тебя, ты мой позор!».

Я не хотел идти,

Просил её «Впусти!»,

Она закрыла двери на запор.


Тогда пошёл я в гавань,

Где «Грязный пёс» стоял,

И нанялся на борт как юнга-ёж.

Там шкипер голым был и на груди набил

Картинку, как бредёт в тумане вошь.


И вскоре вдруг узнал я,

Что кэп По-ветру-нос

Потерянный мой папа, мой старик.

C морским ежом, эхма, пошли мы прямо к Ма,

Что, увидавши нас, пустилась в крик:


«Увы мне, о беда, вернулись вы сюда!»

И нас лупила по башке бревном.

Свирепая особа! Так мы сбежали оба

Со старым добрым славным «Грязным псом».

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Приведу несколько вариантов перевода песни Rum tum tum главы 8:


ОригиналKate RavineTakiRuSiSCornflower“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum

Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!


“I’ll be sailin’ all me days,

along these good ole waterways,

there’s nothin’ like a gentle breeze,

an’ bein’ alive on days like these.


“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,

Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!


“Through woodland thick our logboats ply,

that’s how I loves to see the sky,

a-driftin’ by in sun an’ shade,

round willowy bank an’ leafy glade.


“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,

Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!


“Now, I could never understand,

why somebeasts spend a life on land,

an’ never hearken to the call,

of rapids wild or waterfall.


“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,

Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!


“An’ when my stream of life runs out,

don’t weep for me or mope about,

just lay me in some ole logboat,

an’ to the sea of dreams I’ll float.


“A rum tum tum, a rum tum tum,

Oh, pass me a paddle, matey!”

Турум-тум-тум, турум-тум-тум,
Подай мне весло, товарищ!

Нет лучше, братцы, быть живым,
Плыть по потокам водяным,
Под дуновенье ветерка
Я буду плавать, жив пока.

Турум-тум-тум, турум-тум-тум,
Подай мне весло, товарищ!

Вот мы плывем сквозь лес густой,
Любуюсь неба синевой,
Свет проникает сквозь листву
На ивы и полян траву.

Турум-тум-тум, турум-тум-тум,
Подай мне весло, товарищ!

Я никогда не мог понять,
Как можно жизни проживать
На суше, где не слышно зов
Рек, водопадов и ручьев.

Турум-тум-тум, турум-тум-тум,
Подай мне весло, товарищ!

Когда ж мой истечет поток,
Ты не рыдай, не плачь в платок,
Меня сложи в мой логоход,
Пусть в море он мечты плывет.

Турум-тум-тум, турум-тум-тум,
Подай мне весло, товарищ!

Рам-там-там, рам-там-там,
Подай весло, приятель!

Я буду плыть без счёту дням
По всем проложенным путям.
Лишь легкий ветер будет мил,
Когда я буду полон сил.


Рам-там-там, рам-там-там,
Подай весло, приятель!

Меж лесом скользит логоход,
Мне мило смотреть в небосвод.
Мелькает светом и тенью
Поросший ивами берег.


Рам-там-там, рам-там-там,
Подай весло, приятель!

И впредь вовек мне не понять
Решивших сушу не бросать,
Увидеть реку тот не рад,
Речной порог и водопад.


Рам-там-там, рам-там-там,
Подай весло, приятель!

Когда скончаюсь я, друзья,
Не плачьте попусту, зазря.
Закиньте тело в логоход -
Отправлюсь я по морю снов.


Рам-там-там, рам-там-там,
Подай весло, приятель!

Тарам-там-там, тарам-там-там,
Приятель, дай весло мне!

Мне плыть свой каждый новый день
Путём проверенным не лень,
Здесь ветерок попутный мил,
В такие дни я полон сил.


Тарам-там-там, тарам-там-там,
Приятель, дай весло мне!

Чтоб видеть неба чистый свод
Чрез лес петляет логоход:
Камыш заденет, свет и мрак,
Пологих берегов ивняк.


Тарам-там-там, тарам-там-там,
Приятель, дай весло мне!

Не мог понять я никогда
Незнающих, что есть вода,
Как на земле не слышать им
Зов водопадов иль стремнин.


Тарам-там-там, тарам-там-там,
Приятель, дай весло мне!

Когда ж иссякнет жизнь моя
Не плачьте обо мне, друзья,
Мой логоход всегда готов -
Я поплыву по морю снов.


Тарам-там-там, тарам-там-там,
Приятель, дай весло мне!


Edited by TakiRuSiS
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  • 8 months later...

Глава 20, песенка непослушного малыша:


Фу-фу, я тебя не люблю,

И плакать целый день могу,

Если я не получу, чего хочу,

Услышишь, как скажу:

"Я... хочу пить воды,

не хочу я спать,

ва-а, ва-а, бя-бя-бя!"

Не будешь милым ты со мной -

Так не буду дышать до посинения!

Покажу язык, за нос ущипну,

И хвостик накручу,

Я бабку пну, деда разозлю

И громко закричу.

Фу-фу, бу-у-ху-ху,

Видишь - я могу рыдать,

И глазками смешно краснеть,

И ушками качать.

Делай, что говорю, иль проплачу весь день,

Ва-а, ва-а, хнык, бу-у-ху-ху-у!

Фу-фу! Ва-а ва-а ва-а!

Все равно тебя не люблю... Вот так!

  • Плюс 1
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Глава 27, песня Haul up!


Вариант далеко не идеальный.


Тяни! Тяни!

Тяни, как я вскричу,

Воспрянь душой сильней

За Рэдволл ты... Тяни!


Копай ты землю, словно клад,

Наполни вёдра ей,

Забрось одно ведро ко мне,

Превозмогая боль!


Тяни! Тяни!

Тяни, как я вскричу,

Воспрянь душой сильней

За Рэдволл ты... Тяни!


Давай, друг, спину изогни,

Заставь её работать,

И если землю не кидать,

Команде дашь погибнуть!


Тяни! Тяни!

Тяни, как я вскричу,

Воспрянь душой сильней

За Рэдволл ты... Тяни!


Тяни же вверх, спускай же вниз,

Не плачь и не стони,

Пока мамуля не поможет,

Кричи сквозь сон... Тяни!

Edited by TakiRuSiS
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  • 1 year later...

Делал когда-то давно перевод первого стиха, решил скинуть сюда. В тексте сейчас вариант от Commy, но вдруг пригодится)


"Баллада Диггса"

Были молоды наши сердца,
Мы скитались по свету без цели.
Только вдаль и вперед мы смотрели,
Два товарища, два сорванца.

В это старое доброе время,
Было место в душе для огня.
Сколько славных друзей и опасных путей,
Для двоих: для него и меня.

Нынче взгляд потускнел, лапы стали слабы,
Изменился лепешек вкус.
"Что нам грудь в орденах?" - спросишь ты, старина,
Подкрутив поседевший ус.

Нам осталась лишь память. Последний аккорд,
Пыль стряхни - пусть начнется рассказ.
Но дружище, поверь, я действительно горд,
Знать что мы были там, в тот час.

Мы сражались в боях, пили эль на пирах,
Пели песни, и шли до конца.
Не страшна была смерть, жизнь познали мы, ведь
Были молоды наши сердца.

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